listening skills

folded slice of Queens Pizza
being authentic

Happy Thanksgiving – “Keep it Authentic but keep it together at the table!”

Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s my “Learned-It-In Queens Communications” style holiday wish for everyone (including me!)

I hope that you have the opportunity to gather with friends and family this weekend and share special moment around the dinner table.
1. Breaking bread together provides us with an opportunity tobreak down barriers and nourishes. Consider it the yeast of communication.

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A colander is used for a communication prompt
being authentic

Manage Your Steam! – Tips on keeping your cool at work

When we lose our temper, we fall into our emotional brain, and our thinking brain shuts down. When our thinking brain shuts down, we say and do incredibly dumb things.  We trigger the primitive part of the brain aka the Amygdala. This stimulation triggers a fight or flight response in ourselves, the recipient of our anger, and anyone who might be within earshot. Rational thinking and responses go out the window.

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Photo courtesy of Bob Dea

Pulling Together – it’s about purpose and trust

In my book The Learned It in Queens Communications Playbook – Winning Against Digital Distraction, I write that developing strong listening skills helps build trust and strong teams. Well, I saw that skill set in action this weekend. I attended dragon boat races at the Dragon Boat Festival in Flushing Meadow Park in Queens, New York.

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