Does Your “Inner Working Child” Need A Laugh Break? Use laughter to relieve your “work from home stresses.
Laughter is a stress reliever when you’re working from home
Laughter is a stress reliever when you’re working from home
The dance craze “Jeruselema” teaches us a great lesson about human connection.
Last year we all became Zoom aficionados as COVID-19 life propelled us to seek virtual options to connect with each other. We figured out how to adjust lighting, volume, camera placement, and stage backgrounds. We even discovered that Zoom had created a “touch up appearance” option which, depending on the setting could enable us to smooth out a few edges or give the appearance that we were wrapped in a gauzy mist.
I started to realize that Queens had not only given me my unique speaking voice, but it had also influenced
my interpersonal style.
Raphael Harry is on a mission to celebrate and share African immigrant stories. He believes that listening to other’s backstories
Some stories are best described with pictures. Photographer Eric Pickergill shares his thoughts in this compelling montage. He gives us
Do you want to build a strong team? Practice the art of listening. Building trust and engagement starts with learning
Make a study of your communication style! Sun Bears Mimic Each Other’s Facial Expressions to Communicate Previously, precise facial mimicry
Growing up in New York in the 70’s required special training especially when it came to riding a subway car.