Speed Coaching For Corporate Events
What is Speed (or Rapid) Coaching?
Speed Coaching is a highly participatory, productive methodology that enables participants to connect, address challenges and identify potential problem-solving options and/or solutions in a supportive environment.
Overview – Speed Coaching Sessions (15 – 30 minutes in length)
Each speed coaching session consists of a structured coaching conversation and is designed to address the participant’s target focus area. The Coach (Julienne B. Ryan) will utilize a three – part coaching frame work that is designed to move the participant quickly from:
1. Introduction and the Coach’s targeted Q&A’s to
2. Participant and Coach exploratory of options and ending with
3. A Commitment to Action with the participant committing to specific actions and dates.
The goal of the session is to provide the participant with an opportunity to:
1. Practice stating a dream/goal,
2. Experience receiving positive and constructive feedback,
3. Visualize their aspirations in a fun, supportive environment
4. Commit to taking an action
5. State personal accountability
The Coach would like each participant to leave the session feeling energized, valued and inspired. Most importantly, she wants them to view the (Corporate/Organization) Event as a positive experience that is designed to support their well-being and growth.