A Valentine’s Day Lesson - My Feedback Went Very Wrong!
One Valentine’s Day in a faraway place called the 7th Grade, I learned a few important lessons about providing feedback.
One Valentine’s Day in a faraway place called the 7th Grade, I learned a few important lessons about providing feedback.
Have you experienced this issue? You’re having a conversation with someone and then you encounter an onslaught of hashtag#buzzwords, hashtag#jargon
The neighborhood rooster didn’t get the memo about Daylight Savings Time last week. It’s bad enough that he usually commences
Simple visual prompts can help you better navigate your interactions with colleagues and family members this Holiday Season.
The author shares a humorous tennis story and life lessons from her Queens, New York childhood.
When we start to get “verklempt” (very emotional in Queens dialect and Yiddish), my guidance to us is simple: engage in “The power of doing just one thing to reenergize and connect.” The exercise is as simple as it sounds: Pause, regroup, find a positive action, and reach out.
A lesson about showing up, being yourself and the joy of unplanned moments of connection with Golda Solomon and Christopher Dean Sullivan the bassist. So much learning it in rooms full of people who are raising their creative voices for the good of others.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to get a fresh perspective. I know this far too well because I’m short. I’ve experienced a lifetime of shortness, and as a result, I’ve spent considerable amounts of time trying to see what others could view so easily. That’s one of the reasons I enjoy teaching the art of story sharing because it allows the participants to gain a fresh perspective about themselves and others.
When we encounter communication challenges, sometimes we just have to woman or man up and ask a trained professional for help.
Websites, apps, and technology enable us to function as self-sufficient beings. Being an independent professional forces you to be your own IT support. This role requires us to read many vender-generated pdfs, endure bot-driven chats, and scroll through countless Q & A’s, all in Quixote-like searches for a solution. One that you often do not find.
Escape rooms can teach us about conducting effective meetings as we begin to conduct more in person meetings.