Have you experienced this issue?
You’re having a conversation with someone and then you encounter an onslaught of hashtag#buzzwords, hashtag#jargon and cryptic abbreviations?
Did you find yourself thinking:
- You’re thinking “That term sounds familiar … I know that I know it … but what the heck it is it? or
- “Why doesn’t this meeting have subtitles? !!!!”
Did you then find yourself Hiding your phone under the conference table so you could Google the abbreviations and terminology?
Americans are a jargon happy people. I once worked at one company that distributed a modern day “Rosetta Stone” to it’s employees and business partners – a forty page printed copy of abbreviations! That book was always with me.
How did our obsession with Jargon come to be?
- “Do You Speak American?”
- “Language Change“
- “The animal instinct that drives workers to adopt corporate jargon“
- “Team Bonding – The evolution of corporate jargon.”
Forward Actions – Now that you’ve learned about jargon’s back story, click on this link to learn how jargon can impact our ability to communicate in an authentic way.