
A little girl is standing in front of a brick wall with the words "For Women" painted on it.


It’s International Women’s Day and it’s time to celebrate our achievements, our collaborations and potential. I am sharing a group of inspiring quotes* I discovered while researching this day. These women have shown us how to use our voice to inspire and lead others

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Experiencing a miscommunication? Remember to “keep it together!”

What’s My Learned It In Queens Lessons? 1. First, find a smart, creative person who engages in deep listening when you need to solve a problem
2. Listen to their suggestions and give their ideas a chance to percolate. In other words, trust that they know what they are doing.
3. Don’t pick up the phone or fire off an email saying “Whatareyakiddingme?”when you think you’ve been “misheard.”
4. Instead, give yourself and your resource the gift of the pause.
5. Chances are you’ve gotten some great advice, but your brain needs time to process the information.
6. Then say the words that any creative consultant loves to hear “ Thank you” and “You were right and so on point.”

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